G.T.A.I Solutions specializes in complex projects in the world of defense and security like cyber protection, asset protection, supply of tactical and technological equipment, and more, by a team of experts from special units from the Israeli defense community. We enable the client to obtain the current, correct, and most accurate to the protection and security needs. We guarantee to accompany you throughout the process and provide a wide variety of solutions that include integration and advanced technology.
Asaf Harati
CEO and Founder
Mr. Harati is a Colonel (Res) in the IDF.
Has served in various units, Special Forces unit and as head of security at the Israeli Pentagon the ‘Kyria’. With a wide range of knowledge and experience in the worlds of security and defense. Leading complex and challenging projects for the public and the private sector. Mr. Harati holds an MA in law. Is a qualified and police-certified security manager. Authorized Ministry of defense provider and Exporter. and qualifies as the Standards Institution of Israel.

Our Expertise

Establishment of a Security Array for Sites and Communities
Planning and establishing a comprehensive defense that includes technological and physical barrier systems, smart cameras and entry systems, for open and built-up areas, buildings and more

supply of tactical and technological equipment
Military equipment.
Training and Instructing
Establishing Units
Training Facilities
Civilian / Military / Orthopedic
Full Treatment Room
Medical grade oxygen for remote locations

Planning and Maintaining
Sprinkler Systems
Our company is certified by the Israel Standards Institute for planning and maintaining fire protective systems
Fire Department approval and business licensing

Managing Mass Events and Projects
Planning and operating, leading and managing, oversight and approval with all of the relevant authorities. Special services for the religiously observant public

Quality Assurance and Security Array Inspection
Preform reviews of the defense and security situation of your organization
Adjust the security program and full authorizatio
Our Customers

The Standards Institution of Israel

Ministry of Defence